Carnahan Cove Trail, Tuttle Creek State Park, Manhattan, KS

At one time, this was a very well kept trail that started at Carnahan Cove Park (along the east side of Tuttle Creek) and made its way 8 miles along the coast, through forested areas, up to an area of Tuttle referred to as "Garrison".  Over the years much of this trail has been wiped out by flooding waters, making it a bit of an adventure to hike along.  For this reason, I love going on this trail.

Beginning the trail can also be a huge task.  To begin with, you must first cross Carnahan Creek, which is virtually impossible during times of high water.  Next you must cross roughly a half mile of extremely weedy land, and you will finally find yourself at a stone "bridge", which marks the beginning of the trail.  Areas of the trail are easily visible, and are marked by blue streamers tied to trees along the way.  Other areas you must climb over huge piles of washed up driftwood and trash just to find any visible trail.  I have wondered to myself if this trail is even kept up anymore, finding information about it online is next to impossible.

Hiking along Carnahan Cove will reward you with scenic views of the lake, an extremely (EXTREMELY) good chance of solitude, and one of the more challenging (bushwhacking) trails in the Manhattan, KS area.  At one time this was also an equestrian trail, but would not be ridable now.  My only caution to you: watch out for ticks!!  I have had to flick over 20 at a time off of me while hiking this trail in early Spring.  As Summer wears on, the ticks lessen.

Favorite Landmarker

First Obstacle...Carnahan Creek!

View Carnahan Cove Trailhead in a larger map


  1. Any clue if you're able to camp along the trail? I read online that Carnahan Creek Park allows dispersed camping within the park, but wasn't sure if there was camping available along the trail? It's relatively lengthy, so we would like to try a backpacking trek along the shore.

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