Read quickly...outside is waiting!

I admit, I started this blog out of anger and frustration. They say you shouldn't act out of anger, but it needed to be done. I've lived in Kansas, the great flyover state of the plains, for most of my life (excluding short stints in Chicago and Maui). I'm sure that upon mention of Kansas, the first thing that popped into your mind was visions of tornadoes, dogs named Toto, and well...nothing else. That is okay, in my travels, I have noticed when Kansas is mentioned, the most common reply is "Well...You're not in Kansas anymore"...thanks dude, I know that. What didn't cross your mind when I mentioned Kansas was outdoor recreation (namely, trails). Articles featuring Kansas are few and far between. Finding a map to King Solomon's Mine is easier than finding good, accurate information about the trails in the central U.S. That is where I hope this blog comes in. People need to know where these trails are or they can't enjoy them. I started out blogging as I hiked the trails, but because of lack of funds and time, I've started creating the sight as more of a database. I hope to include maps and links to information for every trail in the Central U.S. If you have any recommended trails, or trails you are needing information on, let me know about them! While this is just a blog, I also hope this becomes a sort of "database" for all you adventure-minded flatlanders! If you have any ideas on how to make this blog better, information I could include...anything really, let me know! Now, the important part, the trails:

View Central U.S. Trails in a larger map